Cenzura accelerata obiectivul numarul 1 al globalistilor.. Sunt disperati, pierd teren si incearca sa ascunda adevarul cu ultima zvâcnire..

Dupa ce m-au blocat abuziv, cica imi dau dreptul sa fac contestatie..Si uite asa am trimis cica catre consiliul de supraveghiere.. : FACEBOOK HAS ARRIVED THE MOST UNFORTUNATE AND NAZI SOCIALIZATION PLATFORM.. Millions of people censored by you, just because they tell the truth.. You prove daily that Russia and Putin are right, and you servants of globalism are sold scum who have nothing in common with justice, the right to expression and people’s freedoms.. You have no answer, you only have censorship, because you embody the lie.. I will delete my Facebook account because I have dignity, and I will go on Telegram.. people on the planet see who are you and who do you work for? Your end is near, the world war between good and evil will begin soon. You chose evil, so you will pay, because Good always wins.. To hell with your platform and everything.. AND I’m glad because you censor people, they now have the opportunity to see reality and how miserable you are, you in the service of the Jews and the bamchers who rule the world, praying to Satan, to the devil.. You are their tools and you will give the account.. I’ll fuck you in the throat..
The coming war will wipe you off the face of the earth, you morons, bad tools and slaves that you are. You don’t even realize that you are working against your own sovereignty, you are so brainwashed.
Maybe you haven’t noticed but there are 6 billion people against you, and you western globalists with your corrupt governments are few, of the 2 billion people, half are with BRICS, against the USA, against the Jews and all your damn policies..
Your end is imminent, and you will pay for it.u

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